Aged Care Employee Day 2020
by KinCare — 20 August 2020
This significant day is all about celebrating and recognising the hundreds of thousands of people who work in the aged care industry across Australia.
‘Aged Care Employee Day’ celebrates each and every team member involved in the journey of caring for people who receive aged care services – from the nurses and care workers, to the allied health professionals, cooks and hospitality teams, to the drivers, cleaners and laundry employees, to the volunteers, to the leisure and lifestyle officers and administration teams.
Through their work, these people often develop meaningful relationships with our older loved ones – becoming defacto family members in the process.
Aged Care Employees Day puts these everyday heroes in the spotlight, celebrates them, and highlights the many different roles of those involved in the aged care journey.
This year’s theme for Aged Care Employee Day is #ThanksForCaring. The theme recognises each and every team member involved in caring for the 1.3 million older Australians receiving care across the country.
Please click the image below to watch a short video some of our team members have put together to say #ThanksForCaring to the KinCare team. A big thank you to you all and Happy Aged Care Employee Day!