Accessing aged care funding
Navigating the aged care application process
Our simple guide explains the aged care funding process
Accessing aged care funding can be confusing, that’s why we’ve put together a simple guide to help you understand the process.
Watch our video then read on to learn more about applying for Home Care Package funding.
Is a Home Care Package right for you?
A government funded Home Care Package (HCP) can help if you require coordinated services to help you stay in your home. If you only require a little help to continue to live independently at home, you may qualify for support from the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
Step 1
Talk to KinCare
Navigating Aged Care Support can be confusing, that’s why we’re happy to share what we’ve learned about My Aged Care over the last 30 years and support you every step of the way. Give us a call on 1300 733 510 or make an enquiry online, we’re happy to help.
Step 2
Call My Aged Care
Call the My Aged Care contact centre to request a home care package on 1800 200 422 or visit They will confirm that you meet the government conditions for aged care funding.
To help you get the most out of your call with My Aged Care, we’ve put together a checklist of items you’ll need on hand. If you are calling for someone else, they will need to give their consent.
Step 3
Identify your individual needs
An ACAT assessor, who is an experienced clinician, will visit you at home to discuss your personal circumstances and recommend the right support for you. With your consent they will assess your care needs and eligibility for services that address your needs, goals and preferences.
Step 4
My Aged Care will send you a confirmation letter
You will receive a letter of approval to let you know whether you are eligible and approved to receive a home care package, and at what level. You will then be placed in a national priority queue and be contacted when a suitable package becomes available for you. Your position in the queue will be based on your needs and circumstances as well as the time you have spent waiting for care.
Wait list
You might only need to wait about 2 weeks for your funding to become available, but sometimes it can take a lot longer. If you require services now, please enquire about private care.
Step 5
Receive your package and start services
You will receive another letter confirming that your funding is available. Simply call KinCare and we will arrange for one of our Customer Care Managers to visit you to determine the best services for you.
Our experienced Customer Care Managers are here to help
Give us a call or contact us online.