Aged Care
Waiting for funding? KinCare can help.
Access immediate support while you wait
At KinCare, we know your support needs can’t be put on hold while you wait for your funding to be approved or re-assessed. That’s why there are lots of ways we help you get services and supports sooner.
For immediate help to continue your daily activities, you can purchase KinCare’s services and supports privately. Our qualified team will help you choose the right fit for you, and with no wait lists, you’ll be able to access what you need straight away.
Our team of experts can also help you access interim funding through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme to cover the cost of a selection of services while you wait for your Home Care Package.
Whether it’s your first funding package from the Government, your assessment is underway, or or you need immediate support for a carer, our knowledgeable staff will do everything they can to get services in place as quickly as possible for you. This includes helping you with your application and requesting the Government reassess your funding so your services and supports can be up and running sooner.
Privately Funded Services
Don’t wait for government funding to start accessing the services and supports you need. KinCare’s home care services can be purchased privately, while you wait for funding.
Whether it’s as little as two hours once a month or 24 hour support while a carer takes a break, our services are available right away, with no waiting period, assessments or waitlists.
Your services and supports can start as soon as possible and you’ll never be locked into a plan. KinCare’s experienced Home Care Workers will ensure a smooth transition so your daily routines and activities can continue seamlessly.
Our Services
How we can help you
KinCare has the knowledge and experience to help you choose the best funding option for you.
Our qualified team can review and check your application.
Our experts can advise whether you’re eligible for interim funding through the Commonwealth Home Support Program while you wait for a Home Care Package.
We’ll help you apply so you can access the services and supports you need sooner.
To fill any gaps in supports you have, we can provide immediate help through a range of services and supports available to purchase yourself.
Why KinCare?
For 30 years, KinCare has been helping customers access immediate in-home services and supports while they wait for government funding. We understand you can’t put your support needs on hold, and our highly trained Home Care Workers are always ready to assist you.
Our experienced Customer Care Managers can help reduce your wait
Talk to us about immediate in-home care solutions. Give us a call today or make an enquiry online.