KinCare leader Bernadette Gotch recognised for excellence
by KinCare — 8 July 2022
The global C-Suite Awards, by CEO Monthly, recognise excellence in leadership from around the world in every major industry. This year, Bernadette Gotch, KinCare’s Chief Operating Officer, was honoured to receive the Business Development Excellence Award 2022 and be named Healthcare COO of the Year 2022 (Australia).
Strategic leadership through a time of disruption
Today’s leaders have had to overcome immense challenges brought about by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Top executives have drawn on their unique, extensive skillsets to steer their organisations through the disruption and towards success, and Bernadette is no exception. Despite the challenges, the pandemic gave her the opportunity to showcase her expertise in new and innovative ways.
At KinCare, we’re delighted for Bernadette’s recognition. She always goes the extra mile for both our customers and staff.
Bernadette was honoured to receive this award, saying, “Commencing as the Chief Operating Officer of KinCare, just as COVID-19 hit Australia, was a challenge that had no rule book. Learning a business through these challenges means that you rely on the team around you. Thankfully, everything I do starts with the team. I often ask myself two questions, ‘Who do we need to employ to drive positive health outcomes for our customers?’ and ‘What will they bring to ensure the overall purpose is delivered?’ The central focus of these ideas being how we ensure those receiving care can remain living independently in their homes.”
Constant personal and professional development
Before joining KinCare in March 2020, Bernadette enjoyed an interesting and diverse career, primarily in the health and medical services sector. A constant in her journey has been her passion for professional development and educational opportunities to enhance her skills, experience and expertise.
In fact, Bernadette holds an impressive range of qualifications and training, including a Bachelor of Nursing, Post Graduate Degree in Intensive Care, and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), and she’s currently enrolled in a Masters of Laws. She’s also gained management credentials from Harvard Business School, Yale University and the MIT Sloan School of Management, and will complete a rigorous program with the Australian Institute of Company Directors in 2023.
Choose a career that gives you the chance to grow
With many exciting career options and plenty of opportunities for career growth, aged care could be the right career choice for you. KinCare warmly welcomes skilled, experienced people to join our diverse team. There’s never been a better time to move towards a fulfilling career in aged care.
Expertise gained from years in the field
Initially trained as a Registered Nurse, Bernadette spent the first decade of her professional life at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. During her time at St Vincent’s, Bernadette worked in a variety of roles including as an Intensive Care Clinical Nurse Specialist and Clinical Care Educator, and then later as Acting After-Hours Director of Nursing.
In her early 30s, Bernadette became a medical retrieval nurse, travelling around the world to bring unwell Australians safely home. This experience in international collaboration inspired her to take on a new challenge in supply chain management, setting up medical clinics in remote communities in the developed world. Her expertise led her to joining the team at International SOS, a multinational world-leading medical and security assistance centre where she was the Regional GM for Assistance Australasia. Bernadette has also held senior operational positions at The NRMA and NSW Rural Doctors Network.
Championing talent to make a real difference
Having joined KinCare at the start of the pandemic, Bernadette has faced many unique leadership challenges over the past two years. Most notably has been the task of building effective relationships with her peers and team members via online interactions, due to strict lockdowns during her first few months with the organisation. Her combined experience in management and as a medical professional have given her the skills to be able to build a collaborative working environment in which trust is central to success.
During the pandemic, this approach was critical to fostering new solutions and the ability of KinCare’s operations team to adapt to the ever-changing environment as the aged care sector faced challenge after challenge. Bernadette has always championed the skills and talents of her team, and says that winning the Business Development Excellence Award 2022 and being named Healthcare COO of the Year 2022 (Australia) would not have been possible without them.
“It was the strength of the team that not only ensured we dealt with the crisis at hand, but also enabled innovation whilst working remotely. It is no surprise that I honour them with this award as it would not have been possible without each and every one of them,” she said.
Bernadette’s input and pursuit for business excellence has seen our staff continue to make a real difference to the lives of those we support, putting the care and support of our customers first in everything they do.
Congratulations, Bernadette! We’re delighted to have you on the KinCare team and look forward to seeing your expertise and leadership continue to deliver value for our customers.