Five reasons you should get online
by KinCare — 1 May 2017
Learning basic internet skills, such as using email, surfing the internet and participating in social media, can provide lots of benefits for your health and wellbeing – without even leaving the house. Here are five reasons you should give it a go:
1. To stay close to family and friends
Using email and social media such as Facebook and Twitter are easy ways to stay connected with family and friends no matter how far away you are. No more waiting for letters and photos to arrive in the mail. With email, messages, photos and videos can be shared instantly, and thanks to technologies like Skype, you can video call your loved ones and catch up face-to-face.
Let's Connect
If you're interested in learning more about using a computer and the internet, KinCare's Social Connect Programme might be just the thing for you.
2. To keep mentally active and informed
The internet provides a wealth of information at your fingertips. Keep up-to-date with what’s happening in your community or around the world by reading news and searching the internet. You can also access important information about healthcare, medical issues or financial advice.
3. To relieve social isolation and loneliness
Getting out in the community with likeminded people can be difficult when you get older. Thanks to the internet, there are online groups and forums for almost every topic or interest. With a bit of searching, you can find people who share your interests and communicate with them regularly through online forums.
4. To maintain your independence
You can do almost everything online – from paying bills and transferring money, to ordering groceries, buying products and booking appointments. By going online you can maintain control of your personal finances for longer, and continue to feel independent.
5. To give your family peace of mind
Email and social media make it easy and convenient to check-in regularly or daily with your family to let them know you’re okay. This can give your loved ones peace of mind and help you to continue to live in your own home for longer.