Using Facebook to stay in touch
by KinCare — 1 December 2017
Staying in regular contact with family and friends and feeling connected to the world around you is vitally important to maintaining your health and wellbeing. Facebook is a great online tool to help you stay in touch with others – without even leaving your home. With some basic skills, you can be easily keep up to date with all your family and friends – and share what you’ve been up to.
KinCare has already helped hundreds of Customers keep in touch with family and friends this way. This simple guide explains the basics and how you can get started.
What is Facebook? Facebook is a ‘social network’. It’s an online tool that helps you keep in touch with people you know or who share your interests.
How do I use Facebook? To use Facebook you first need to set up your ‘profile’ page. This is where you add the personal details you want to share with others. Once you have a profile page, you can then ‘follow’ other people. The people you choose to follow are called ‘friends’. When your friends add words or photographs to their Facebook page, this is called ‘posting’. You can see your friends posts on your page and stay up to date with what they are doing.
Get connected online
The Internet and Facebook are great ways to stay in touch with family and friends. KinCare’s Let’s Connect programme can provide you with an iPad and internet connection, as well as help you build your skills and confidence in the online world.
How do I join Facebook? Joining Facebook is easy. All you need is an email address and a photograph on your computer that you can add to your profile to show people who you are. Once you have set up your profile, your friends and family can ‘find’ you and request to become ‘friends’. When you accept a friend request, you and that person are connected and can see each other’s posts.
What should I post on Facebook? What and how much you post on Facebook is up to you. You can look at posts from others – or jump in and add posts yourself. It’s important to think about what you are comfortable sharing on your profile. For security reasons, never post things like your home address or when you are going on holidays.
What about my privacy and other security issues? It’s okay to be a little wary about joining Facebook, but by following a few simple rules you can enjoy Facebook safely. Set your profile to ‘private’ so only friends can see your posts. Only accept friend requests from people you know and only fill in what you’re comfortable sharing on your profile.
I want to get started – can you help? If you need a little help to start using Facebook, ask a friend or relative or talk your KinCare Customer Care Manager about the KinCare tablet. KinCare offers simple in-home and telephone support to guide you through setting up Facebook and using the internet.